Proudly built and launched in Europe

Get Web Analytics, Feedback Hub and User Surveys, all collected in 1 place.

Achieve better user insights with Toolbird, and build better products based on your users needs.

Imagine a single platform to manage all user-insight tools for your SaaS, with only a 5 minute setup.

Privacy-first web analytics

Analyze all the traffic going through your website with one intuitive dashboard

Track what pages your visitors use, where they're located, what device they're using and from where they are referred.

Web Analytics Overview

Privacy friendly (GDPR)

Your data is stored securely in Europe. We never share your data or sell it to a third-party. All tracked personal data is anonymised and can not be traced back. All data is aggregated.

Realtime data

We offer realtime insights with live visitors. See exactly where visitors come from and what pages they visit when they do.

Geographic data

Track exactly what country, city and region your visitors visit you from.

Referer data

Track exactly where your visitors are referred to your website from.

Supercharge your user-driven SaaS development today

Increase your project overview today with the ultimate toolbox for SaaS developers.